Join Us Sunday’s at 10:00a.m.
1201 Payton Gin Rd, Austin, TX
We’re a church in the city of Austin, Texas and would love to meet you. Antioch Austin is with you every step of the way—from your first encounter with God to you reaching out to others around you to share what God did in you. We want you to encounter God, matter, belong, grow and build here.

STEPS to Becoming a Disciple of Jesus
Take a step today to get to know Jesus and let Him set you on the path towards a deeper relationship with Him and a life full of hope, joy, and purpose.
Whether you’re young or old, new to church or not, this first step, encounter, is the entry point to the rest. We believe that life with God revolves around being with Him, becoming like Him, and doing what He does. We want every corner of our lives to be marked by encountering Him.
We aren’t the full body of Christ unless we serve the city and His church. We come alive and experience the fullness of who we were created to be when we bring all we have into what God is building in our city. You matter.
We’re all looking for family and a place to be known. We were never intended to navigate the complexities of our world by ourselves. When we gather in lifegroup, we fight to see that happen. Sitting around tables across our city doesn’t just strengthen us and our families; it is how we see our city transformed.
Who doesn’t want to grow? We all desire to move forward in life. Often times, we feel stuck by what we’ve been through, what we’ve done, or what’s been done to us. Our heart at Antioch is that this is a place where you can be heard and healed, so you can grow into all that you’ve been called to be.
We believe you were made on purpose, for a purpose, and God has placed you where you are to see His Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven. Our desire is for every man, woman, and child to have the chance to respond to the Gospel, and you are a part of that.
Join with us as we see God build this house. It’s never been easier for you to do that. Simply invite someone to church by sending them a text that says something like, “Hey, I’ve been thinking about you lately! Would you want to come to church with me sometime? We meet on Sundays at 10 a.m. at Juan Navarro High School! I’d love for you to join!”
The Antioch Church App
Welcome to the Antioch Austin Church App! We exists to help people find, follow and grow in Jesus. Our app exists to be a helpful tool for you grow in the Lord, hear more about the life of our church all at your fingertips.