Practicing the ways of Jesus for lifelong, radical transformation.
We believe you were made to impact the world with the Kingdom of Heaven. But first, the Kingdom of Heaven must impact you.
Have you ever felt that you were made for more?
Have you felt a restless urge to use what God has given you to impact the world around you?
Has reading Scripture ever felt like words on a page, rather than living, active and powerful?
Have you been looking for “your people,” those who want to run after Jesus with all they’ve got?
Are you ready to finally break free from the lies holding you back, from the deceptive taunts of the enemy, and into the identity Jesus speaks over you?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, Antioch Discipleship School could be the next best place in your journey.
“I loved ADS because it provided community, constant encouragement and strengthened my walk with Jesus! I left each week feeling encouraged and supported by the people in my D-group and truly fell more in love with Jesus.”
“ADS was a safe place for me to find community, rest and friendship. Through it, I was challenged to grow spiritually, was constantly encouraged by the girls in my D-group, and left each week feeling more refreshed than I came.”
Classes are held Monday evenings from 6:00-9:30pm from September to May, kicking off with a retreat!
In large class settings, students will hear from speakers from Antioch Austin, across the Antioch Movement and more!
Through this weekly teaching, you will embark on a journey to further grow in your relationship with Jesus and live out your unique gifts to glorify God.
In addition to large group instruction and equipping, students grow in small groups within ADS led by a mentor with other peers as the assimilate the teaching together.
Students will also have the opportunity to participate in an overseas Impact trip supporting the ongoing and future church planting efforts of Antioch Global. They will be able to deploy what they have learned throughout the year and see God at work in every tribe, tongue, and nation!
Students memorize 3 passages of Scripture for the year, as well learning 5 different methods of studying the Bible. With each Bible study method, students submit a written response reflecting on each type of study.
Students also read and discuss 3 books outside of the Bible per year. We will read one book on experiencing freedom and victory in Christ, a book on spiritual disciplines, and a book of the student’s choice (from a given list) on their unique calling.
Antioch Austin pastors, leaders from around the Antioch Movement, as well as a few outside speakers that vary from year to year! In the past, we’ve had the pleasure of hosting Larry Sparks, Peter Louis, Dan Baumann, and Jim Walter.
Lindsey Falls is the Director of Antioch Discipleship School and pastor at Antioch Austin! Her passion is equipping the students to experience revival that spreads to those around them. One of the beautiful things about the school is that although she directs it, many other leaders serve and as well. The students split into separate men’s and women’s groups that are led by discipleship group leaders.
Yes! The courseload of Antioch Discipleship School is designed to be more challenging than Lifegroup participation but manageable for those that work full-time or have other obligations. Expect 2-4 hours of work time outside of class per week.
Since ADS is a ministry of Antioch Austin, students will be deeply connected to life and ministries of the church. Students will serve on teams, engage in Lifegroups, and be a part in a variety of ministry opportunities throughout the year.
Lifegroups are open to everyone, and people are welcome to come and go! Lifegroups also discuss the sermon each week. At ADS, students apply, are accepted, and then stay for the entirety of the year, which makes the community the same each week. We also are reading books together, memorizing the same passages of Scripture, and listening to the powerful teachings together. Experiencing transformative revelation alongside a consistent group of people bonds us together in a profound way that takes time a vulnerability.
We are also pursuing Jesus at an agreed upon pace which enables us to challenge and encourage each other in a unique way.
The investment for Antioch Discipleship School is $1400 per person, or $2000 for married couples who require childcare to attend (each spouse applying separately).
This includes all class materials and a ticket to the annual Antioch Movement World Mandate conference. It does not include the cost of the overseas Impact trip. Students and staff alike will raise the funds for the trip (estimated between $2000-$3000).
ADS tuition funds the many experiences of the school, including the kickoff retreat, guest speaker honorariums, celebrations throughout the year!
Want to get a taste of what it’s like? Come experience an evening of ADS through our one-night gathering on April 14, 2025 from 6-9p.m. If you are considering joining ADS or are an alumni, you’re invited. You’ll hear from guest speakers, connect with the Antioch community, and experience the Lord move in a fresh way.