Advent Devotional: Week 4-Love

The weekly prompts follow along with the Church calendar and our Sunday morning Advent messages. These are meant to focus our hearts on Jesus in our day-to-day lives rather than the fears and anxieties that can weigh us down.

Love: God is love.

“But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.” Luke 2:10

“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” 1 John 4:18

It is easy to understand why the angel started with, “Do not be afraid.” Imagine the scene—shepherds in the field at night making sure the sheep were settled and safe so they could get some rest and... BOOM! The sky lights up, and an angel appears. It would be startling to say the least.

As you come toward the end of your year, there have no doubt been a few moments that startled you: a diagnosis, a car accident, a damaged relation-ship, the loss of someone you loved. Without an encounter from heaven, these alarming moments have the potential to turn into footholds of fear consuming our lives.

But God has come to His people. Love came down to live among us. God, who is love, drives out all fear and opens us up to receive the life He brings.

PRAY: Lord Jesus, You love me. I choose to receive Your love for me. There have been moments in my life that took me by surprise and have turned into places of fear. Today, I choose to welcome Your love into those places. I reject all lies and speak Your truth, that there is no fear in love. Let Your love permeate me. Amen.

REFLECT: What recent circumstances have snowballed from surprise to fear? Take time to pray the prayer above again for each situation that God brings to mind.



