The Way of Jesus: Week 3


In week three of The Way of Jesus Series, we looked at God’s design for family and how the devil tries to feed us lies that will lead us astray from God’s intent. Although there are individual circumstances that break God’s heart for families to experience, such as death or divorce. Scripture is clear that God desires that family is defined as one man and one woman in a marriage covenant for life, and if they have children that they respect and obey their parents as their parents love, serve, and train those children in righteousness.

God cares that we follow this standard for our families and he also cares that the quality of our families is strong and unified. When families are strong and unified that bring that to the church and greater community and together can work towards building His Kingdom by becoming the hands and feet of Jesus.

God’s design to build strong healthy families is no small task, and many of us have experiences the pain that can come with navigating this. It requires much effort and support to be able to become the strong family God wants you to be. This week, we encourage you to keep reading Scripture daily and to immerse your mind in what God says is true so that you’ll be able to recognize and resist the lies that are all around us.  As you seek to strengthen your family this week, we recommend these resources to support you.

Week 3- Family

Meaning of Marriage

Family Revision

The Intentional Father

A Spiritual Heritage


The Way of Jesus: Week 4


The Way of Jesus: Week 2