Who Are You Surrounded By?
Picture this scene: you're sitting on the couch after a meal with friends or family, and it's getting late, but you don't feel particularly tired. Then, from across the room, someone lets out a big yawn. Within a few seconds, you, too, find yourself yawning. Then a few seconds later, someone else in the room yawns.
Why is that? You weren't tired. All you did was see someone else yawn, and then, like magic, you yawned too.
Social scientists believe this phenomenon is a form of social mirroring: how we view ourselves and behave based on the social norms and beliefs of the groups with whom we engage.
You may have heard it said: "Show me your five closest friends, and I will show you where you will be in five years."
This often-quoted phrase points out that who we spend our time with matters. It matters what they believe, what values they uphold, and what choices they deem appropriate. And it matters where you plant yourself and who you put in your life.
Biblically, we can see this concept in a parable Jesus tells in Mark 4. Jesus speaks of a farmer sowing seed in a field. The condition of the soil had a direct impact on what happened to the seed. Seed that fell on rocky soil couldn't grow, because it had no roots. In contrast, seed that fell on good soil produced a multiplied harvest.
We need to make sure we plant ourselves in good soil. We need people around us who hold to the teachings of Jesus. We need friends who help us remove the rocks and weeds. We don't expect ourselves to be perfect, but we are pursuing Jesus intentionally together. When we are planted in good soil, the seeds God plants in our lives will grow beyond what we believe possible.
At Antioch, this is what it means to BELONG. We want you to find good soil where you BELONG. When you BELONG, you have people to help you work through areas of sin, trauma, pain, and so many of life's other challenges. So, BELONG in a Lifegroup, and don't go through life alone.
Our Lifegroups are a great place to meet like-minded people in your life-stage to grow with!