As a documentary enthusiast, I was captivated by the story of James Lawrence, an endurance athlete who completed 50 Ironmans in 50 states in 50 days. This incredible feat would have been impossible without the support of a team, who biked, ran, and swam alongside him, and provided encouragement when he needed it most. Watching this story unfold, I realized that this same principle of community applies to our journey as Christians.
In the Church, I have seen talented leaders, gifted authors, and even friends who struggle to finish the race of life with Jesus. Just as James Lawrence needed a team to complete the 50/50/50, we too need a community to help us grow in our faith and walk with Christ. The chances of finishing well on our own are slim.
Jesus told a parable about the power of community in Mark 4:3-8, known as the Parable of the Sower. He explains that the Word of God is like seeds that are sown in various types of soil. If we want the Word to take root and flourish in our lives, we must cultivate the right environment and surround ourselves with the right people.
The power of belonging to a community is not just about joining any group, but about finding one that helps us fight against the weeds and thorns in our lives. I heard once that if you want to know where you'll be in five years, look at the five people you spend the most time with.
I experienced the power of community firsthand when a gospel outreach ministry at UT Austin met an international student named Daniel. Although he didn't believe in Jesus, Daniel found a sense of belonging in a Lifegroup at Antioch Austin. Through the love and support of this community, Daniel eventually surrendered his life to Jesus and became a transformed man.
At Antioch, we believe community is worth fighting for because, without each other, none of us will make it. We need each other to grow in our faith and fulfill God's calling on our lives.
Acts 2:42-47 and Acts 4:32-34 provide a glimpse of the early Church, where believers were devoted to fellowship and shared everything they had. This model of community is our goal. If you've been with us for a while and aren't part of a group, I encourage you to lean in!
As the proverb goes, "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."
If you haven't committed to a Lifegroup yet, that's your next step! Building history in our relationships takes time, so our long-term investment is crucial.
At Antioch Austin, there's a Lifegroup for everyone! CLICK HERE to browse our current groups or stop by the Get Connected space next Sunday. Together, let's take another step towards finishing the race well!