Have you ever thought about the impact of your actions, even the smallest ones? In this post, we'll explore how seemingly insignificant moments can create a powerful wake in our lives and in the lives of others. We'll look at the story of Ananias and Saul from Acts 9 and learn how a single act of obedience led to a massive impact on the world.
In 2012, my friend Blake bought a boat, and we took our kids out for a day on the water. After an embarrassing attempt at wakeboarding, I witnessed the power of the boat's wake as it knocked a man off his feet and sent his small boat drifting away. This experience taught me two valuable lessons: one, don't try to be a good wakeboarder when you're not, and two, never underestimate the power of your wake. There may be more happening behind you than you realize.
In Acts 9, we read about the dramatic conversion of Saul, a man who was persecuting followers of Jesus. On the road to Damascus, he encountered the Risen Christ, and that moment changed everything, not just for Saul (later known as Paul), but for the entire world.
But before Paul could go on to write most of the New Testament and plant churches all over the world, there was a man named Ananias. God spoke to Ananias and asked him to find Saul and pray for him (Acts 9:10-19). Imagine the fear Ananias must have felt, knowing that Saul was hunting down people like him. Despite his fear, Ananias obeyed, and his seemingly small act of obedience launched a world-changing ministry.
Ananias mattered, and so do you. Sometimes we miss these moments in our own lives while waiting for what we think matters. Instead of judging what is significant or not, commit yourself to what is directly in front of you. Believe that every moment matters and trust God for the impact.
Paul describes the Church as a body with many parts, each part essential to the whole (1 Corinthians 12:14-27). At Antioch, we believe that we cannot be the Body of Christ we're called to be unless everyone has a place where they know they matter. Don't underestimate the power of the wake behind you when there is a "yes" inside you!
Join a Serve Team here at Antioch! There are multiple opportunities for you to bring your gifts and say "yes."
BUILDERS TEAM (Sun. AM setup/teardown)
CONNECTIONS TEAM (greeters/helpers)
By engaging with what is in front of you, you'll become more alive, more deeply impacted, and filled with more of the truth of who God made you to be. Remember, small acts can create a lasting impact – so go and make a splash!